An Adventurer Is You!

August 12, 2010

This IS your adventure when inebriated

Those of you who are computer gamers may have tried out a genre of game known as the “Massive Muliplayer Online Role Playing Game” or MMORPG for short. Well known examples of the genre, such as World of Warcraft or Runescape (I can’t believe I just listed that game as a reference…) include 3D graphics and flowing animated gameplay.

Now what would happen if you took Runescape (GRAHH I said it again!) and took away those key elements? You would get Kingdom of Loathing, a massive stick-figure RPG with multiplayer aspects, and an actual sense of humor.

The world of Loathing is one of references and parodies, including traces of just about every topic and genre in its humor. From popular bands of England to their own version of Canada, Kingdom of loathing is an amusing mimic of our world.

The classes in the game are as follows: Seal Clubber, Turtle Tamer, Pastamancer, Sauceror, Disco Bandit, and Accordion Thief

If you have time on your hands that you don’t know what to do with, try it for yourself at

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