The Final Countdown

January 1, 2010


Last day of the year and here I sit at what I would euphemistically call my “day job” (I don’t plan on being here forever, I can tell you that much… perhaps I need to plaster my site with a couple hundred more ads…). For the first time since beginning this bold online excursion into digital parts unknown, I must say I am pleased with the look of the site. For a guy whose foundation of html/css editing skills originated with his myspace page (ok, you can stop laughing now) I’d say it turned out pretty damn well. Now, obviously, I’m not going to take full credit, or even half credit for the sleek look of the site, being that WordPress makes it insanely easy to customize everything, and most of the work is already done for you if you are lucky enough to find a great premade theme. If anyone from the WordPress accounting offices is reading, I prefer direct deposit, but if you just want to send a check, that’s perfectly fine as well. ::End plug::

With the site being much sweeter on the eyes than before (to my eyes anyway… suggestions for improvements are always welcome!), I can now concentrate more on the real reason I started this whole experiment in the first place: the playing and conquering of all the old (and sometimes new) video games that have somehow eluded me for all these many years… until now! Woe! Woe be unto you, you goddamn games! Make peace with your makers, for your END draws NEAR!

Picture of what a video game maker may look like.

Anyway… not much else to say for now. I figured I would wait until the last day of the year to post my first “blog” type entry, in an effort to begin sharing more of my thoughts, experiences, views, trials and triumphs in regards to the site. I still can’t get used to the word “blog” so hopefully by the next post, I’ll have thought of a better name for this category. How about… “Zany Mantics.”

Yeah… I’ll keep workin’ on that… like pretty much everything else around here.


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